Food Promotions team went for the Penang Food Hunt 2008! This hunt is organized by Rasa Rasa together with Time Out Solutions. We paid RM 100 per person for the hunt without the hotel stay and RM 150 for non-locals who wish to stay in Paradise Sandy Beach Resort. Overall, the hunt was a great one! Well done.
Registration starts at 9 in the morning and the briefing at 11am. Participants will receive a goodie bag, consists of a Rasa Rasa Penang book, RM 10 voucher for New World Park Food Court, RM 5 BBQ Chicken voucher, Candies from Chocolate Boutique and many brochures of Penang Heritage and maps of Penang.
Start Station: Hotel Car Park near Dalat School at 11.30am & flag off at 12.00pm
Finish Station: Fort Cornwallis 7.00pm
The Hunt is categorize into 3 parts: Leg 1, Leg 2 and Leg 3.

"Going by Google" where we have to get stamp/chop on paper from the 4 selected restaurants and have lunch at 1 place of our choice. On the way to the 4 selected restaurants, we have to also take 3 photos of the Heritage that is in the Google map provided and 1 photo during our lunch to prove that we ate.
Next is to collect Challenge 1 @ Digi Centre 3rd floor Gurney Plaza, complete it and submit it in Cititell Penang.

Our answers!

Submit Leg 1 “Going by Google” and collect control sheet containing: Leg 3 Questions, Treasure Questions, Road Safety Questions and Challenge 2 (walk hunt Qs) for hunt within New World Food Court
Task 1 - Answer 10 clues at New World Park (Answers are around the New World park Area)
Q: Scared!! And avoid American political figure? They are common fare in Malaysia.
A: Chicken & Duck Rice (clues? Scared!! and avoid...)
Q: Unagi back from the siblings here.
A: Lee Brothers (clues? Unagi= Eel; and eel back? Lee!)
Q: DNA before short relative owns a supporter.
A: Genesis (clues? DNA=Gene, short relative=sis, Haha!)
Task 2 - The Shell Challenge on stage to cook. The challenge is to cook our local sweet pancake, Apom manis. It’s not as easy as ABC! Try asking her.
Collect Leg 3 Tulips and drive hunt Qs after finish and submitted the answers in Challenge 2.
Leg 3: The Spice Trail
Task - answer 20 clues on route from New World to Fort Cornwallis following the tulips provided.
Q: Rocket man’s latest food business.
A: New Kit Siang (clues? Lim Kit Siang’s new biz?)
Q: Saya dengar ini itek-itek punya
A: Duxone (clues? Duck’s one...)
Q: Sounds like the order our clues are in on this leg.
A: Sequins (clues? In sequence lar!)
Q: Sounds like furniture people in the food business.
A: eKia (clues? It’s simple isn’t it?)
Q: Local Fish having swallowed piranha’s head, is the one clearly ahead.
A: Topman (This one is hard. Local fish=Toman, and it swallowed a “P” head, thus toPman)
Q: Right in to this transporter makes, a fruitful topping on your cakes.
A: Chery (clues? Chery is a Chevrolet car show house, and yes, cherry makes a fruitful topping on your cake)
Q: Well done, Johnny!! Eat here.
A: Bravo (clues? Johnny Bravo cartoon, Bravo=Well done!)
Q: You’ll never walk alone, these supporters cry.
A: Liverpool FC (clues? All football fans know! But we can’t find it, we related Liverpool with the Reds and wrote our answers at Red Chopstick :( The answer is in the advertisement board that we did not notice) Q: This eatery in pink has cooked food.
A: Sin Kan Pin (clues? Pink? We are not sure why we can get this right. Pure luck?)
While cracking our heads with all the clues, we also have to complete the treasure clues and buy them on the way. Allow us to share one of the easiest treasures that we didn’t even manage to solve!
“At last the issue that remains is what you need.
When all is consumed after a good feed,
A new pocket size one to clean you out will do nicely.
Roti canai and Thosai have it in part in their variety,
This treasure that is found at our dinner, lunch or tea,
But I need proof that it was purchased from a Shell station only.”
Guess the answer! (No prizes to be won though...)
To end the race, we need to complete treasure clues, road safety and Leg 3 clues before finish station. Don’t forget to develop and submit the 4 photos took from Leg 1. Voila, we finished our race early at 6.30pm.
The very next day, breakfast is served. Here’s the variety of food.

Top 3 teams will walk away with cash prizes. And the team which came first scored full marks, 170/170! It’s amazing how perfect people can be when they work in a team. Congratulations to Team 46!

Congratulations Hunter R Us!!!